Thursday, June 25, 2015

Issue: Reserve Windows 10 App ' icon does not appear' in Systray | Solution | Download | Windows 10 Upgrade Fix

Windows 10 Upgrade Fix | Windows 10 App | "Icon Does Not Appear in Systray" Solution | Can't Reserve Copy of Windows 10

Windows 10 Upgrade | Windows 10 App | "Icon Does Not Appear in Systray" Solution | Windows 8.1 | Optimize Performance | Desktop | Laptop | AIO Post by Pat Lucero

Visit the # 1 CompuTech in the U.S.A.

Issue: Running Windows 8.1 the "Windows 10 App" icon does not appear in the Systray as the picture here shows.

Open notepad hold down the Windows Logo Key and Tap "s" this open search everywhere text box type 'notepad' and press enter on the keyboard. Cut and paste exactly as is the content below into a notepad and name it ReserveWin10.cmd. To make it easier for you I have provided a Download Link below labeled "Windows 10 Upgrade Fix".

Download this file and "save as" in your "Desktop".

Windows 10 Upgrade Fix

REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\UpgradeExperienceIndicators" /v UpgEx | findstr UpgEx if "%errorlevel%" == "0" GOTO RunGWX reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Appraiser" /v UtcOnetimeSend /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f schtasks /run /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" :CompatCheckRunning schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" schtasks /query /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser" | findstr Ready if NOT "%errorlevel%" == "0" ping localhost >nul &goto :CompatCheckRunning :RunGWX schtasks /run /TN "\Microsoft\Windows\Setup\gwx\refreshgwxconfig"

Easy Stuff! Now, Save it to the Desktop which is the first link in Windows Explorer Pane under This PC when you double-click on Desktop you will see the 'Save As' window address line in the top middle change from 'Downloads' to 'Desktop'.

Let's wrap this up to Go. Next, run the file as Administrator. Go to your Desktop find the file

Right-Click on the file. Select on Run as Administrator You'll left-click Yes on the User Account Control box.

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

How to install and use Vuze | Search & Download Safely Movies for Free

How to install and use Vuze | Search & Download Safely Movies for Free

Desktop | Laptop | AIO | Tablet by Pat Lucero

Visit the # 1 CompuTech in the U.S.A.

Let's Start with Easy Stuff. Get Opera "The fast and safe" browser! Download and install by clicking save as and then open the folder containing the setup file.

Open on your new browser to Type in the search line movies+2015 press enter. Now, to change years and avoid annoying pop-ups. Use the browsers address line by left clicking once it will be highlighted, the address just change the year here by holding down the left-click button and drag the mouse over the year, type 2003.

"Always go with the highest rating" as in the sample above the highest rating is "7", choose it. Illustrated in this picture below is a '' file screen, Only use the Magnet Link, Ever! highlighted in yellow in the picture below. If it's here in my blog use it exclusively avoid others like the plague.

Allow Vuze Box left-click once on the Allow button.

Important you must Always Cancel when the Vuze Updater pops-up by left-clicking the 'Cancel' button. You don't want malware!

Then, left-click OK on the 'Open Torrent Options' window.

See how under the ETA column it's showing a long time estimate, 7 hours in the sample below, Don't Worry it will shorten significantly as you acquire more peers.

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Watch movies. Listen to music. Read books for free. Better than ever Before: How to Custom Install Vuze | Advanced Settings | Windows Firewall | Windows 8.1 TIPs | Optimize PC | Speed | Security

How to Custom Install Vuze | Advanced Settings | Windows Firewall | Windows 8.1 TIPs | Optimize PC | Speed | Security

Desktop | Laptop | AIO | Tablet by Pat Lucero

Visit the # 1 CompuTech in the U.S.A.

How to install Vuze. Customized for Safety and Security.

Select all options as shown. Except, ensure to select the radio button with the Classic UI (The last option). Why? Security and Safety.

Next, Slow Down choose to decline all offer windows, basically every window that has a decline button. Use it left-click on 'decline' each time. Why? Prevents Malware plug-ins from infecting your browser.

In "The Welcome to Vuze Configuration Wizard" select Advanced by left-clicking the radio button, then the "Next" button. Why? Protecting your System means you want all the power. To quote a line from the movie 300, "Give them nothing take from them everything".

What's this, final act. Choose wisely, left-click on Manual radio button, then on Next.

Select a port to use, preferably, a port between 10001 and 14999. Just write it down you'll need it for the next section on Windows Firewall below. Always go this connection section within the Vuze interface after the install by holding down "crtl" and tapping the "+" sign. To get here, select on Connection in the list within the left pane interface.

You're learning fast, but to be fast on the web you need Opera.

download here free for Windows.

Hold down the Windows Logo key and tap the "x" key on the list left-click on 'control panel'. Then, left-click on the first column's heading 'System and Security' and then left-click on the 'Windows Firewall' heading. Now, look to the left side pane and select on 'Advanced Settings', second from bottom of list, by left-clicking on it. From the top of Inbound Rules list select 'Azureus/Vuze'.

Left-click on the tab labeled Protocols and Ports

Watch movies. Listen to music. Read books for free. Better than ever Before.

First, get your house in order.

Optimize your PC | Control your Speed and Security

Setup an Inbound rule to use specific ports using a random number let's say 12000 for both TCP and UDP inbound local and remote ports. The listening ports you manually set to 12000 in the Vuze Connection in the above section is what your configuring here to work. Here's a Windows 8.1 Optimize TIP: delete your ProgramData folder Temp files How? Copy and Paste this path C:\programdata\temp to a run line and enter.

Simple hold down and tap the "r" key to get a command run line.

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

Calibrate display color | Download VLC | Free Movies, Music, Books | Download Vuze client | Uninstall McAfee | Desktop | Laptop | AIO

Calibrate display color | Install VLC | Free Movies | Vuze client | Windows Firewall

Desktop | Laptop | AIO | Tablet by Pat Lucero

Visit the # 1 CompuTech in the U.S.A.

Watch free movies, Listen free Music, Read Free Books. Download Vuze

Play free movies, Play free Music, All Formats. Download VLC

To Learn how to Custom Install Vuze for Security Click here.

The Goal is to watch movies. Listen to music, and read books for free better than ever in your life. But first, get your house in order clean up your system and get it secure as described below. Then calibrate your screen.

Start with the easy stuff hold down the Windows Logo Key and tap the "s" key in search box type "cali" select "calibrate display color" in the color cast portion go to 5/8 of the way using the slider, just right of the middle one notch in each one of the three color levels. Then select to use True fonts.

Optimize your system Uninstall McAfee, Norton or any other free lower tier Anti-Virus Software i.e AVG, Avast, etc.

Hold the Windows Logo key and tap "x" key select on Programs and Features hit the "m" this will populate McAfee alphabetically

After uninstalling McAfee as described above Download the McAfee Removal Tool to cleanly remove it from Windows Registry you'll find a link for this tool in another blog Click here

To learn how to setup Advanced Settings in Windows Firewall for Vuze follow these steps in another blog, just Click here

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