Wednesday, February 10, 2016

#1 Virus Removal Technician in The U.S.A. - Excel 2016 TIPS

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#1 Virus Removal Technician in The U.S.A. - Excel 2016 TIPS

Selecting a contiguous range with your mouse and you select the wrong lower right corner cell to repair it automatically just hold down the SHIFT key and select the correct cell


After selecting a long rectangular range you often are scrolled off the active cell's view to get back to the active cell to view just hold CONTROL + Backspace

Using Excels Extended Mode is by selecting the upper left-corner cell of your rectangular contiguous range then pressing F8 and then selecting lower right cell you'll extended selection in status bar prior to your selection. The range is auto filled and to exist the extended mode press F8 again.


If your ranges are multiple and scattered just select a range and then hold down the CTRL Key and select your other ranges.

INSTRUCTIONS: Simple download the embedded Excel workbook it's a Macros-Enabled Worksheet so you'll need to save a copy to your device then re-open the file named "copy of Blog2016" using your client.

Your PC/Mac will need to have Microsoft Excel 2013 and above installed.

Click on the enable macros button as shown in the first figure it will be next to the yellow banner displaying the security warning. Open the sample Macros, how is simple.

Click on View in the Excel Selection Menu located at the far right. Under View select on the pane that shows Macros, left-click once on the view macros section. Then choose the macro named "MacroBlog" and click on run.

Time Saver: Beats manually entering a range A1-E14 for instance, clicking on Average under formulas, and then imputing A1:E14 to get the average total.


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